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Tamtam Photography

tamtam photography-wedding
tamtam photography- mirror
tamtam photography-sketch


Sometimes work doesn’t feel like work. That’s the case when I manage to get into a deep flow. In this flow I’m totally focused and I’m losing any sense of time. It’s a very cool state to be in, because that’s when the magic happens and creativity just comes to you.

I think you can achieve flow by doing something you love combined with a lot of effort but without too much pressure. That’s how my mirror project developed. It started with a rough idea and ended up with me breaking mirrors like a crazy person, photographing for hours, in the middle of nowhere.

Even if I don’t always achieve “the flow”, work is extremely satisfying if I can bring joy to others. A lovely young couple trusted me in capturing their wedding. They were very happy with the photographs as well as their long-lasting memories of this special day.